
After the premature death of her father, an environmental photographer, Alice needs to get close to her mother to carry out the project conceived by her father: to study cases of mutualism between species, where cooperation is above competition.

In each episode, they look for examples of good coexistence, which demonstrate a more altruistic way of life. A relationship that Alice had with her father, but she still needs to develop with his mother.

Series with 6 episodes of 40 minutes.

Laboratories and Markets

  • The Simbius project was developed at Núcleo Prana Filmes, financed by PRODAV 03/2017 – Núcleos Criativos (Creative Centers).
  • In 2021, the project was selected for the Pitching Series of the 14th edition of DocMontevideo, being awarded, and for X SANFIC Industria Santiago, as part of the 18th Santiago International Film Festival.
  • In 2022, it was one of the six documentary projects selected in the Nature & Conservation category of the 33rd Sunny Side Of The Doc 2022, international market in La Rochelle, France.

Written and directed by: Liliana Sulzbach
Producer: Luciana Tomasi
Baseada num Projeto de Vida de:: Rodrigo Baleia, Carol Donatti e Alice Donatti Mondin

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