The life of a young urban indigenous man is shaken when he meets a mysterious girl who has just moved with her family to the village where the boy lives, on the side of a highway.
The two are instantly attached to each other. However, it doesn’t take long for the boy to discover that the young woman may be suffering from a rare and dangerous condition.
When the girl disappears, he teams up with an old shaman to try to find her and perhaps find a cure for her condition. Together, they end up entering a new world, which will take them from the depths of a forest to the heart of an industrial complex. That’s when they will see that the different layers of reality are much more connected than they could imagine.
THE MOST SUCCESSFUL PLAY IN THE HISTORY OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL WILL BE A FILM The play “Bailei na Curva” premiered at Teatro do IPE on October 1, 1983, in Porto Alegre, becoming the first theatrical production in Rio Grande do Sul to be performed at the renovated Theatro São Pedro in 1984. Over […]
A peça “Bailei na Curva” estreou no Teatro do IPE em 1º de outubro de 1983, em Porto Alegre, tornando-se a primeira produção teatral gaúcha a se apresentar no renovado Theatro São Pedro em 1984. Ao longo dos últimos 40 anos, esta peça tem sido mantida em cartaz em temporadas anuais, celebrando sua milésima apresentação […]
The feature film “A Filha do Dilúvio” is based on the novel of the same name by writer and screenwriter Miguel da Costa Franco, who won an Emmy in 2015 for the series “Doce de Mãe”. The script was developed by the author of the original work, in partnership with Carlos Gerbase (award-winning filmmaker from […]
Based on the book by Mário Corso. The story of a boy sold to the circus by his own parents.